Financial Institutions and Banking

Online Account Opening: Managing the Risk

In recent years, banking customers have increasingly relied on electronic banking tools to open accounts, make deposits, transfer funds and otherwise manage their money — and the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this trend. All of these activities increase an institution’s Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering (BSA/AML) compliance risks, particularly the opening of online accounts. So, while offering these conveniences can be attractive to current and prospective customers, you’ll need to implement policies, procedures and controls to mitigate the risk.

Recognizing risk factors

In its BSA/AML Manual, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) emphasizes that accounts opened online — that is, without face-to-face contact — pose a greater risk for money laundering and terrorist financing because:

  • It’s more difficult to positively verify the applicant’s identity,
  • The customer may be outside the bank’s targeted geographic area or country,
  • Customers — particularly those with ill intent — may view online transactions as less transparent,
  • Transactions are instantaneous, and
  • Online accounts may be used by a “front” company or unknown third party.

In light of this enhanced risk, the FFIEC cautions banks to consider how an account was opened as a factor in determining the appropriate level of account monitoring.

Minimizing risks

To reduce the risks associated with online account opening, banks should develop an effective customer identification program (CIP) and ongoing customer due diligence (CDD) processes as part of a robust, risk-based BSA/AML compliance strategy.

To comply with CIP requirements, an individual opening an account must provide, at a minimum, his or her name, date of birth, address and taxpayer identification number (or other acceptable identification number for non-U.S. persons). In addition, if an account is opened for a legal entity — such as a corporation, partnership or LLC — the bank must verify the identities of the entity’s beneficial owners.

Verifying applicants’ identities

A significant challenge in electronic banking is verifying the identity of someone opening an account online (including a person opening an account on behalf of a legal entity). For in-person transactions, bank personnel often examine identification documents, such as driver’s licenses or passports, but this may not be possible for accounts opened online.

For online transactions, banks should develop reliable nondocumentary methods of verifying an individual’s identity. These may include comparing the information provided at account opening with information from a credit reporting agency, public database or other source. They also may include contacting the person (for example, calling them at work or sending them a piece of mail they must respond to), checking references with other financial institutions, obtaining a financial statement, or asking “out of wallet” questions, such as previous addresses, former employers or mortgage loan amounts.

The bank should develop alternate or backup verification methods for situations in which one of these methods fails. For example, if there’s an identification mismatch, the applicant may be required to bring identification in person to a bank branch.

In addition, as with accounts opened in person, the bank should check the person’s name against lists of known or suspected terrorists or terrorist organizations maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control. It’s also a good idea, for ongoing monitoring and CDD purposes, to collect information about the purpose of the account, the occupations of the account owners and the source of funds.

Due diligence

After an account is opened online and the applicant’s identity is verified, you’ll want to conduct ongoing customer due diligence. That means, among other things, monitoring account activity for unusual or suspicious activities.


Financial Institutions and Banking

Should your bank use third-party vendors?

In the uncertain economy resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, community banks continue to streamline operations, improve efficiency and eliminate waste so that they can survive — and thrive. To help in this process, they’re increasingly turning to outside vendors to provide specialized services beyond the bank’s usual offerings. If your bank uses third-party vendors, though, you need to be aware of the ins and outs.

Evaluate liability

Outsourcing to a third party doesn’t relieve a bank from responsibility and legal liability for compliance or consumer protection issues. And as banks and vendors increasingly rely on evolving technologies to deliver products and services, their exposure to ever-changing cybersecurity risks demands constant vigilance.

Even if you have a solid vendor risk management program in place, you’ll need to review it periodically. Banking regulators expect your program to be “risk-based” — that is, the level of oversight and controls should be commensurate with the level of risk an outsourcing activity entails. But here’s an important caveat: That risk can change over time. Some vendors, such as appraisal and loan collection companies, have traditionally been viewed as relatively low risk. But in today’s increasingly cloud-based world, any vendor with access to your IT network or sensitive nonpublic customer data poses a substantial risk.

Assess risk

Here are some ways to review your vendor risk management program:

Conduct a risk assessment. Determine whether outsourcing a particular activity is consistent with your strategic plan. Evaluate the benefits and risks of outsourcing that activity as well as the service provider risk. This assessment should be updated periodically.

Generally, examiners expect a bank’s vendor management policies to be appropriate in light of the institution’s size and complexity. They also expect more rigorous oversight of critical activities, such as payments, clearing, settlements, custody, IT or other activities that could have a significant impact on customers — or could cause significant harm to the bank if the vendor fails to perform.

Thoroughly vet your service providers. Review each provider’s business background, reputation and strategy, financial performance operations, and internal controls. The depth and formality of due diligence depends on the risks associated with the outsourcing relationship and your familiarity with the vendor. If your agreement allows the provider to outsource some or all of its services to subcontractors, be sure that the provider has properly vetted each subcontractor. The same contractual provisions must apply to subcontractors and the provider should be contractually accountable for the subcontractor’s services.

Diversify vendors. Using a single vendor may provide cost savings and simplify the oversight process, but diversification of vendors can significantly reduce your outsourcing risks, particularly if a vendor has an especially long disaster recovery timeframe.

Ensure contracts clearly define the parties’ rights and responsibilities. In addition to costs, deliverables, service levels, termination, dispute resolution and other terms of the outsourcing relationship, key provisions include compliance with applicable laws, regulations and regulatory guidance; information security; cybersecurity; ability to subcontract services; right to audit; establishment and monitoring of performance standards; confidentiality (in the case of access to sensitive information); ownership of intellectual property; insurance, indemnification and business continuity; and disaster recovery.

Review vendors’ disaster recovery and business continuity plans. Be sure that these plans align with your own and are reviewed at least annually, and that vendors have the ability to implement their plans if necessary.

Monitor vendor performance. Monitor vendors to ensure they’re delivering the expected quality and quantity of services and to assess their financial strength and security controls. It’s particularly important to closely monitor and control external network connections, given the potential cybersecurity risks.

Conduct independent reviews. Banking regulators recommend periodic independent reviews of your risk management processes to help you assess whether they align with the bank’s strategy and effectively manage risks posed by third-party relationships. The frequency of these reviews depends on the vendor’s risk-level assessment, and they may be conducted by the bank’s internal auditor or an independent third party. The results should be reported to the board of directors.

Stay aware

Having a robust vendor risk management program in place at your bank is the key to benefiting from vendors’ specialized skills and abilities while avoiding legal and regulatory problems. We can help you stay on top of the latest regulations and rules pertaining to third-party vendor use.
